

Each new day offers the opportunity to take an amazing journey with God. He cares about every aspect of our lives. What is important to us is important to Him. And what is important to Him, should be important to us.

This website shares the heart of God and the wonderful truths that He wants us to know and incorporate into our daily living. Be blessed!

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My journey to find the purpose in life began as a small child. At night, I would gaze through my bedroom window into the night sky, aglow with millions of twinkling stars and wonder why I was born. Did I have a purpose? Surely, there was more to life than to die and go into a dark, cold grave. I had many questions of which my young mind had no answers. 

My mother had erroneously told me that good people went to heaven and bad people went to hell. That concept greatly troubled me, because I knew there were times when I was very “good,” but there were also times when I was “bad.”

Did God keep a record? If He did and the tally showed that I was good more than I was bad, would that qualify me for a place in heaven? Or did I have to be perfect, and if perfection was the pre-qualifier, how could I possibly achieve that monumental goal? My efforts to be a “good” person were too often sabotaged. Thus, reaching heaven was a nagging uncertainty.  

Fortunately, the fear of missing heaven was forever erased in 1972, when the gospel of Jesus Christ was presented to me. That unforgettable winter’s night marked a new beginning, as I surrendered my life, will, and heart to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Life as a Christian has been a wonderfully exciting and challenging journey. It has opened doors of opportunity and revealed talents and gifts I never knew I possessed. I have learned to trust, obey, and rejoice in the goodness of God, whether in a valley or on a mountain top.

When you visit this site, you will read devotionals that have come from my various and exciting journeys with God. Every day is a new day to learn afresh something from our Creator.

I hope that you choose to take this amazing journey with me, as we learn together the many wonderful things about our magnanimous Creator.

Not by works of righteousness, which we have done, but according to His mercy, He saved us (Titus 3:5).